Sustainable Foods LLP

Healthy, tasty, and eco-friendly all together in one bite! Yes, that’s what we were looking for, which made our company come to life. Base ‘P Sustainable Foods specializes in creating sustainable and healthy plant-based products.

Base’P – Planting kindness through food as our motto, came up with the solution of developing texturized vegetable protein and plant-based meat using extrusion technology and shear cell technology. By using fermentation techniques, we are modifying its properties of plant protein thereby making it more easily digestible and absorbable like conventional meat. 

Our products are rich in protein, and fiber, have zero cholesterol, low fat, and low calories, and meet 7 sustainable development goals as well.

                          Animal protein is a good source, but the animal industry is responsible for increased GHG emissions, water pollution, and eutrophication and uses 75% of total agricultural land to give just 18% of calories and 37% of the global protein supply.

Plant-based meat uses 47 percent–99 percent less land than conventional meat (m2-yr-land/kg-meat).

                 Animal agriculture takes up 77% of all agricultural land on Earth despite supplying only 17% of humanity’s food supply. This inefficiency drives the need for agricultural expansion, which is the single largest driver of ecosystem damage on land.

Plant-based meat emits 30%–90% less greenhouse gas than conventional meat (kg-CO2-eq/kg-meat).

                Worldwide, animal agriculture contributes more to climate change than exhaust emissions from the entire transportation sector. Animal agriculture’s emissions come from three major sources: conversion of forests and prairies to pasture and cropland, production of animal feed, and animal digestion and waste decomposition. The primary ingredients for plant-based meats, on the other hand, have very low greenhouse gas emissions, and additional processing accounts for only 13%–26% of plant-based meat’s climate impact.

Plant-based meat emits 30%–90% less greenhouse gas than conventional meat (kg-CO2-eq/kg-meat).

                Worldwide, animal agriculture contributes more to climate change than exhaust emissions from the entire transportation sector. Animal agriculture’s emissions come from three major sources: conversion of forests and prairies to pasture and cropland, production of animal feed, and animal digestion and waste decomposition. The primary ingredients for plant-based meats, on the other hand, have very low greenhouse gas emissions, and additional processing accounts for only 13%–26% of plant-based meat’s climate impact.

Plant-based meat uses 72%–99% less water than conventional meat (l-water/kg-meat).

               Animal agriculture guzzles almost a third of the water used in global agriculture. Of that water, 99.8% is used in the cultivation of feed crops, draining aquifers that could be used for drinking water, or wasting rainwater that could be used to grow food for humans. By requiring only, the crops that end up in the final product, plant-based meat production cuts out the primary water requirement in conventional meat production.